These half type socks protect the front part of the feet. Because of CMAS approves to use only this type of socks in finswimming championships, we offer these socks for finswimmers mainly. On the other hand these socks can be useful for underwater hockey and rugby players also. Generally you have to feel that the fins are the extension of your body, so the perfect fitting of the fins is very important. On the other hand the "too perfect fitting" gives discomfort due to clamp your blood circulation. Because of the fins sizes do not follow the foot sizes one by one, may be you need fin socks. The socks are made of 5mm thick black neoprene.
Add 1 pair of finsocks, 1 swimming mask and 1 snorkel to the Najade fins in your CART and get a 10% discount.
(SET is defined as: 1 pair of any kind of NAJADE fins ; 1 pairs of any kind of finsocks; 1 mask; 1 snorkel)